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Welcome to our committees page. Here you can browse the support organizations within Faith Immanuel Presbyterian Church. 

Mission Committee

The MISSION COMMITTEE seeks to allocate church funds to reach out to all communities through work projects, funding, or providing aid to other organizations to help outreach their goals and to create opportunities to serve our friends, neighbors, and the world.

Worship Committee

The WORSHIP COMMITTEE provides for the church’s worship and encourages the people to participate fully and regularly in it. On behalf of the Session, the Worship Committee makes provision for the regular preaching of the Word, celebration of the Sacraments, corporate prayer, and offering of praise to God in song. The committee oversees and makes recommendations to session regarding unique worship opportunities.  

Buildings and Property Committee

Our BUILDINGS AND PROPERTY COMMITTEE  are responsible for the care and oversight of the facility and property, working in conjunction with the congregation to coordinate needs and resources required for being good stewards of our grounds, building, safety, and physical resources. 

Congregational Life Committee

The mission of the CONGREGATIONAL LIFE COMMITTEE is to provide and to communicate opportunities for joyful fellowship and meaningful interaction between church members. Arranging activities as diverse as picnics and coffee hours, kitchen use and funeral luncheons, this committee cares for the needs of all church members.

Nurture Committee

Our NUTURE COMMITTEE provides resources to guide people through their walk of faith from childhood and onward. This committee also oversees the church’s scholarship programs.

Outreach Committee

The purpose of the OUTREACH COMMITTEE is to communicate the warmth of the Christian faith through invitation and inclusion of the community members and visitors who enter the doors of Faith Immanuel Presbyterian Church.

Personnel Committee

The PERSONNEL COMMITTEE selects, supervises, and evaluates the paid staff of Faith Presbyterian Church, and provides for the human resource needs of the church operations.

Stewardship and Finance Committee

Our STEWARDSHIP AND FINANCE COMMITTEE monitors, manages, and reports all financial transactions at Faith Presbyterian Church to session and the Congregation. Additionally, the Committee executes the annual fall Stewardship Campaign.

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1801 Colonial Rd

Harrisburg, PA 17112




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